India, one of the richest bio-diversity hotspots in the world, supports over 45,000 species of plants both agricultural and medicinal.

This national award winning film, traces the evolution and discovery of medicinal plants in India and the way of life in the tribal communities, who have since time immemorial depended on the forest for all their needs.

An exploration of how the modern world is moving towards traditional practices creating a phenomenal demand for medicinal plants. This has lead to a major stress on natural resources with some Himalayan species already close to extinction due to this dangerous trend.

The film digs deep into the philosophy of traditional medicinal practices and discusses what steps and measures are required to conserve and protect our medicinal heritage.


The National Award Winner, 2007

Vatavaran 2003, Silver Tree Award in the category of Natural Resource Conservation

  •  Duration:

      26 minutes

  •   Client:

    Independent Production